News article
Parent and Caregivers Survey of Dyslexic Children
Introduction by Mike Styles, Dyslexia Consultant:
- It seems to me that a good way to generate some better outcomes for your children is to produce some hard data.
- Politicians and government agencies do respond to robust evidence.
- The results of a survey of parent’s concerns are one way to generate some changes. Individually your concerns have little voice. Collectively they have much more weight.
Completing the survey
- Responses will be anonymous.
- You will receive the analysis of the findings of the survey.
- Leave questions unanswered if they do not relate to you.
- Grandparents or carers can answer as if a parent.
- Use of comments request: “I would like to use those comments to enrich the results. I can either quote those comments anonymously or accredit them to you.”
- Any questions,
- Phone 021 504774
- Email [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
To complete the survey click here
Posted: 9 August 2021