Book Review. Congratulations - You have Dyslexia! Great Minds Think Differently.
Congratulations, You have dyslexia! Great Minds Think Differently.
By Mike Styles. Published 2022.
Purchase on Mike’s website -
$47.20 including packaging and postage.
Mike Styles is well known as one of New Zealand’s leading dyslexia advocates. He is passionate about supporting learners with dyslexia to achieve their full potential.
This book is informative, inspirational and motivational. It is easy to read, with large dyslexia friendly font, good line spacing and no stark white pages!
Real case studies make this book feel genuine. Although Mike is not dyslexic, he just ‘gets it’ and he shares the story of his father and brother who both had dyslexia. This book feels like a safety blanket, saying ‘hey, you are okay, i’ve got you’.
I particularly like the mindset changes suggested, and i think that these should be the mantra for anyone with dyslexia, or for those supporting someone with dyslexia.
This book gives practical, helpful advice for people with dyslexia, and those supporting them. There is a whole chapter for parents entitled, ‘Taking Charge at School.’ Mike reinforces the message that you are your child’s best advocate and that the major goal should be to keep your child engaged with learning and school.
Mike states that the goal of this book, is to celebrate dyslexia and those who have it, and I think he has more than achieved this.
Reviewed by Philippa Christie
Learning Differences Aotearoa Trust
Programme Co-ordinator
September 2023.