Processing Speed
Does your child struggle to start homework?
Or to complete homework in a reasonable amount of time?
Does your child need additional time to respond in conversations?
Frequently ask “what?”
Start out strong and then give up?
While there are many possible reasons for these struggles, slow processing speed may be a factor.
What is Processing Speed?
Processing speed is the pace at which you take in information, make sense of it and begin to respond. This information can be visual, such as letters and numbers. It can also be auditory, such as spoken language or it can relate to motor functions such as writing or catching.
Having slow processing speed has nothing to do with how smart kids are—just how fast they can take in and use information. It may take children who struggle with processing speed a lot longer than other children to perform tasks, both school-related and in daily life.
It can also impact executive function skills. These are the thinking skills that help kids plan, set goals, respond to problems, and persist on tasks. Kids who are slow to process information may have trouble getting started on assignments, staying focused and monitoring how well they’re doing.